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Paski do zegarków
Paski do zegarków | Znajdź swój pasek do zegarka

Bezpłatna wysyłka zegarki ponad PLN 239
Doręczyciel paczki

Zwrot produktu z kraju spoza Unii Europejskiej

W Masters in Time dokładamy wszelkich starań, abyś był zadowolony z zakupów. Jeśli przypadkiem – z jakiegokolwiek powodu – nie będziesz w pełni usatysfakcjonowany zakupionym produktem, możesz go zwrócić w ciągu 30 dni od daty otrzymania.

Chcesz odesłać zegarek w celu naprawy? Wybierz sytuację, która Cię dotyczy, aby znaleźć właściwy sposób zwrotu produktu. Z niecierpliwością czekamy na ponowne spotkanie z Twoim odrestaurowanym zegarkiem tak szybko, jak to możliwe.

Zwrot produktu i zwrot pieniędzy

  • Wybór firmy przewozowej do wysyłki w jedną stronę określa naszą politykę zwrotów i związane z nimi koszty.

    Przesyłki DHL
    Oferujemy etykietę zwrotną DHL w obniżonej cenie 56,1042 zl. Możesz poprosić o etykietę zwrotną na stronie "Moje zamówienie". Koszty zwrotu zostaną potrącone z Twojego zwrotu.

    Inni partnerzy przewozowi (Maersk, DHL Express)
    Niestety, nie oferujemy jeszcze etykiet zwrotnych od tych partnerów przewozowych. Możesz wybrać dowolnego partnera przewozowego do zwrotu paczki. Ponosisz koszty zwrotu.

  • We kindly ask you to consider the following conditions with your return: 

    • You have a cooling-off period of 30 days from the day you received the product. 
    • Proszę wcześniej zgłosić produkt, który chcesz zwrócić i pobrać formularz celny CN22 lub CN23. Formularz ten można pobrać w sekcji "Moje Zamówienie".
    • Please return watches and clocks in the original brand packagaing (if reasonably possible). 
    • The product should be returned in its entirety, including all accessories and parts.
    • In the absence of an accessory or part, the retail value will be deducted from your refund value. 
    • Aprropriate labels bust be intact (if reasonably possible). 
    • Please include the guarantee certificate / booklet (if reasonably possible). 

    These conditions do not represent an obligation for effectively exercising the right to cancel.

    • The refund will be made once we have actually received the product back. 
    • If we do not receive the return within 14 days after the preannouncement, we will refund you at the time you can prove to have actually sent the product to us. 
    • Refunds are made through the same payment method used for the settlement of the order. 
    • In case Masters in Time has made a mistake with your order, we will also reimburse the initial shipping costs as well as any return shipping costs.
    1. Zaloguj się na naszej stronie "Moje zamówienie
      2. Zapowiedz produkt, który chcesz zwrócić.
      3. Pobierz etykietę zwrotną i formularz CN23/CN22*.
    2. Zanieś paczkę do punktu odbioru przewoźnika wskazanego na etykiecie zwrotnej.
      4. Zachowaj pokwitowanie wysyłki zwrotnej (w tym T&T) do czasu potwierdzenia odbioru.


    *Kraje, dla których można wygenerować etykiety zwrotne w B2C/Maersk, są wymienione w poniższej tabeli. Tutaj można również znaleźć więcej informacji na temat formularzy CN22 i CN23.

Zwrot produktu w celu wymiany

    • The exchange will be made at the moment we have actually received the product back. 
    • Once the return has been accepted and processed, you will receive the full refund minus initial shipping costs. 
    • We will create a new order and send you a manual paylink for the exchange. You will not be charged again for any shipping costs that may apply. 
    • If we do not receive the return within 14 days after the preannouncement, we will repay you at the time you can prove to have actually sent the product to us. 
    • Refunds are made through the same payment method used for the settlement of the order. 
    • In case Masters in Time has made a mistake with your order, we will also reimburse the initial shipping costs as well as any return shipping costs.
  • 1. Log in at our order service page 
    2. Preannounce the product you wish to return, and select “return for an exchange”. 
    3. Fill out the product code for the replacement product you would like to receive instead. 
    4. Download the CN22 or CN23 customs form. 5. Take your parcel to your local post office or postal agency. 
    6. Please keep the return shipping receipt (including T&T) until reception has been confirmed.

  • We kindly ask you to consider the following conditions with your return: 

    • You have a cooling-off period of 30 days from the day you received the product. 
    • Proszę wcześniej zgłosić produkt, który chcesz zwrócić i pobrać formularz celny CN22 lub CN23. Formularz ten można pobrać w sekcji "Moje Zamówienie".
    • Please return watches and clocks in the original brand packagaing (if reasonably possible). 
    • The product should be returned in its entirety, including all accessories and parts.
    • In the absence of an accessory or part, the retail value will be deducted from your refund value. 
    • Aprropriate labels bust be intact (if reasonably possible). 
    • Please include the guarantee certificate / booklet (if reasonably possible). 

    These conditions do not represent an obligation for effectively exercising the right to cancel.

Zwrot produktu do naprawy

  • 1. Include a clear description of the issue.
    2. In case purchased from HWG, include the original HWG invoice or your original order number. 
    3. Please make sure to pack the watch carefully, for example in bubble wrapping.
    4. Take your parcel to your local post office or postal agency. 
    5. We advise you to send your parcel via standard registered mail. 
    6. Please keep the return shipping receipt (including T&T) until reception has been confirmed. 

    Return address 
    Holland Watch Group B.V. Repairs department 
    Willebrordusstraat 14-16 
    3037 TR Rotterdam 

    Additional return instructions 
    - You do not need to return the watch in the original brand packaging. [domain] can not guarantee you will receive the same box in return. 
    - Upon receipt of the returned product, our certified watchmaker will make up a price estimate. 
    - The costs for shipment towards HWG are for your account. We will cover the return shipping costs. 
    - More information about the repair procedure can be found here

  • 1. Include a clear description of the issue.
    2. Add the valid, stamped warranty card to your broken watch. 
    3. Please include the original HWG invoice, or your original order number. 
    4. Please make sure to pack the watch carefully, for example in bubble wrapping.
    5. Take your parcel to your local post office or postal agency. 
    6. We advise you to send your parcel via standard registered mail. 
    7. Please keep the return shipping receipt (including T&T) until reception has been confirmed. 

    Return address 
    Holland Watch Group B.V. Repairs department 
    Willebrordusstraat 14-16 
    3037 TR Rotterdam 

    Additional return instructions 
    - You do not need to return the watch in the original brand packaging. [domain] cannot guarantee you will receive the same box in return. 
    - Upon receipt of the returned product, our certified watchmaker will determine whether your complaint is under warranty. 
    - The costs for shipment towards HWG are for your account. We will cover the return shipping costs. 
    - More information about the repair procedure can be found here.

  • 1. Include a clear description of the issue. 
    2. Add the valid, tamped warranty card to your broken watch. 
    3. Please make sure to pack the watch carefully, for example in bubble wrapping.
    4. Take your parcel to your local post office or postal agency. 
    5. We advise you to send your parcel via standard registered mail. 
    6. Please keep the return shipping receipt (including T&T) until reception has been confirmed. 

    Return address 
    Holland Watch Group B.V. Repairs department 
    Willebrordusstraat 14-16 
    3037 TR Rotterdam 
    The Netherlands 

    Additional return instructions 
    - You do not need to return the watch in the original brand packaging. [domain] cannot guarantee you will receive the same box in return. 
    - Upon receipt of the returned product, our certified watchmaker will determine whether your complaint is under warranty. 
    - In case your warranty claim is approved, we will refund your return shipping costs (in case the product was purchased from us). 
    - More information about the repair procedure can be found here

  • 1. Log in at our 'My order' page 
    2. Preannounce the product you wish to return and select “return for repair”. 
    3. Please make sure to pack the watch carefully, for example in bubble wrapping. 
    4. Download the CN22 or CN23 customs form. 
    5. Include a (detailed) description of the defect in your watch. 
    6. Add the valid, stamped warranty card to your broken watch. 
    7. Take your parcel to your local post office or postal agency. 
    8. Please keep the return shipping receipt (including T&T) until reception has been confirmed. 

    Additional instructions and information 

    - In case of a repair under warranty you do not need to return the watch in the original brand packaging. [domain] can not guarantee you will receive the same box in return. 
    - Upon receipt of the returned product, our certified watchmaker will determine whether your complaint is under warranty. 
    - In case your warranty claim is approved, we will refund your return shipping costs (in case the product was purchased from us). 
    - More information about the repair procedure can be found here.