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Bezpłatna wysyłka zegarki ponad PLN 239
Esprit zegarki

Esprit zegarki

Esprit jest jedną z bardziej wszechstronnych modowych marek na świecie. Portfolio marki zawiera ubrania, buty, okulary przeciwsłoneczne, biżuterii i zegarki na mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci! Zegarki Esprit opierają się na kreatywności, autentyczności i jakości. Bądź więc zainspirowany i wróć do słonecznej Kalifornii, gdzie to wszystko się zaczęło.

55 zegarki

Esprit - historia

The history of Esprit begins with a love story set in 1968 in sunny Northern California. Doug Tompkins and Susie Buell met on Route 89 near the coast. Susie was taking a nice quiet ride in her Volkswagen Beetle when she set her eyes upon an attractive man in the distance. The man was named Doug and he needed a lift. Susie did not hesitate at all and decided to take him. This was the start of something beautiful, because only five years later they started Esprit together.
Having the common passion for nature, freedom, fashion and a relaxed lifestyle is what built the foundation of Esprit. 1990 is when the Esprit watches first came on to the market. The Esprit Houston collection was one of the first watch collections by Esprit  that also sold the day! Esprit has developed into a global brand with more than 7,800 independent retailers.

Jeśli Cię to nie inspiruje to nie jest Esprit

To motto marki Esprit. Zegarki Esprit sprawiają, że czujesz się wygodnie, ponieważ kiedy dobrze się czujesz wyglądasz dobrze. Ta prosta zasada zapewnia, że jakikolwiek zegarek masz na sobie jest on dopełnieniem Twojego własnego stylu.

Our Esprit watch collection

Nasza wszechstronna kolekcja zegarków Esprit zawiera modele dla kobiet, mężczyzn i dzieci. Esprit jest w stanie wyposażyć w zegarki całą rodzinę.

Damskie zegarki Esprit

Esprit ladies watches take you into the Californian lifestyle. A trendy and stylish design at an affordable price ensures that every woman shines. The Esprit ladies collection consists of more than 100 models: from classic watches for a fancy dinner, to elegant chronograph watches for a trendy party or even an afternoon of shopping, also sporty watches and fashionable bracelet watches with a decorative dial. Overall there is something to suit every woman’s taste. Looking for a complete gift? In the Esprit collection there are gift sets which contain a watch and matching bracelet to go with it. Take a look at the collection and be inspired.

Męskie zegarki Esprit

Also for men Esprit has plenty to offer. Do you often wear a suit? Then choose a classic and elegant watch. Or are you more a jeans and t-shirt guy? Then choose a chronograph or a cool multifunction watch with a large case. Whichever model you choose, all Esprit watches have the same stylish and luxurious appearance which are available at a competitive price.

Dziecięce zegarki Esprit

Esprit also thought about the children. Esprit children’s watches have the most cheerful colour’s, floral patterns and cool prints. Esprit children's watches are for boys, girls and young teens with their own style. Also important: These Esprit watches can with stand rough housing. Ideal for all adventurous children.

Esprit i dobroczynność

The Esprit brand stands for corporate social responsibility. They fight for employees in low-wage countries so that they get paid enough and that they are working in good conditions. In 2007, Esprit also sold pink ribbons to raise money for the fight against breast cancer. These are just a few examples, but Esprit is always conscious of social responsibility and sustainability.